Learn how to develop and visualise your game ideas so you can share your creative vision with the world as a game creator.
As a designer, you are the professional for visual communication – htk academy will take you right there.
Upon successful completion of your htk vocational certificate, you have to option to further your studies with a top up degree.
Find out here what makes us special.
Why we’re going to help you move forward.
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Take a look at all semester projects created by our students.
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Study your htk academy programme from anywhere you are in the world.
Find out more about htk history, vision and network.
You will learn from industry experts who have years of experience in design and coding.
Learn who makes up the htk academy team.
Enquire today and download the brochure for your program of interest.
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We look forward to guiding you in your htk journey every step of the way.